Reinforcement vs. Bribery: A BCBA’s Guide to Encouraging Positive Behavior with Compassion

Many parents wonder whether rewarding their child is reinforcing positive behavior or simply bribery. While both involve incentives, reinforcement strengthens desired behaviors over time, whereas bribery often reinforces problem behaviors in the moment. In this guide, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) breaks down the key differences and offers practical strategies to use reinforcement effectively, helping parents foster long-term success and intrinsic motivation in their children.

ABA Parenting Breakthrough: Transform Everyday Struggles into Powerful Learning Moments

Parenting a child with autism comes with its unique challenges, but every difficult moment holds the potential for learning and growth. In this post, I’ll share evidence-based ABA strategies to help transform everyday struggles—like grocery store meltdowns, bedtime battles, and social skill difficulties—into powerful learning moments. With a compassionate approach and the right techniques, you can foster independence, emotional regulation, and positive behaviors in your child while reducing stress for both of you. Let’s turn challenges into opportunities together!