It’s often noted that autistic children often don’t show safety awareness. Safety is important and there are ways to address this concern. Let’s learn about safety first!
Reducing Frustration: How to Build Communication Skills in Autistic Children
Communication can be hard for children with autism. These difficulties can lead to frustrations due to the inability to state when upset, what they need, and what they want. Learn ways to help your child learn effective communication skills to reduce these frustrations.
Emotional Regulation: How to Teach Children with Autism
Emotions are hard to control and sometimes it’s even harder to cope and calm down. Children with autism already have trouble with communication, social skills, and other areas of development. Mixing in emotional regulation makes it even more challenging. Let’s learn about how to help your child learn about emotional regulation and coping skills.
The Fourth of July: How to Prepare and Support Your Child
Celebrations can be challenging for children, especially when they are sensitive to loud noises, changes in routines, in crowded areas, and in unfamiliar settings. There are steps that can be taken to aid in relieving some of the stress and making the day fun and enjoyable for everyone. Let’s learn how to prep your child for the Fourth of July!
Autism Meltdowns: How to Identify Triggers and Manage
Everyday is different, especially for children with Autism. Unknown factors can trigger meltdowns. Learn about the different between meltdowns and tantrums and how to address meltdowns. Parenting can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be lonely.
Supporting Children with Autism: A Guide to Successful Playdates
A parent expresses concerns about an upcoming playdate for their daughter, detailing the uncertainties and potential challenges, especially for children with autism. The post offers tips on preparing for playdates, including communicating with other parents, choosing the right environment, planning activities, and managing sensory sensitivities. Emphasis is placed on patience, flexibility, and positive reinforcement to ensure successful and enjoyable interactions.
How to Develope Routines for Your Child
Feel like there’s no predictable pattern in your child’s day? You may want to consider developing a routine with your child to add some structure to the day. Read here to learn more about how to do this.